
@accedo/generator-build-template-elevate-ctv 5.3.1

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Accedo Build Elevate CTV

For a detailed overview of Elevate across platforms please visit Build Elevate Confluence Page

What is Elevate

An advanced application starting point that jump-starts the development process with user flows, page templates, UI components populated with content, and base integrations ready for customization.


Build Elevate is being develop and tested with an aim on a hosted app model


Features Overview


  • node 14+
  • npm 6+
  • Colima/Docker (For local testing of the deployment containers)

Where to start with Elevate CTV

We recommend starting with the next links

Once you complete reviewing all the material you will be ready to start and hack an Elevate project

$ npm i -g @accedo/vdkweb-cli
$ vdk create app elevate-app -g @accedo/generator-build-template-elevate-ctv
$ cd elevate-app
$ npm ci
$ npm start
# Now Elevate dev server will be available on http://localhost:3000
# It comes with hot reloading, so hack, check the result and relax!

Elevate for maintainers

Common Pitfalls

npm ci throws "npm ERR! Could not resolve dependency:"

This is an error related to how npm 8+ (comes with node 16+) handles the peer dependencies. To solve it use the next commands

$ npm install --legacy-peer-deps
$ NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider npm start
$ NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider npm build

npm start on docs folder throws "SyntaxError: Unexpected token '??='"

This is an error with the node version and Docusaurus. Please use a node 16+ version to execute the documentation

nvm use
npm start